I've plunged into the deep end. I've taken a risk. I've painted more abstract pieces. Yesterday I spent the better part of the day painting. By the end of the day I had created four abstract pieces in acrylic, and some with oils mixed in as well.
It still remains a mystery to me as to why all of a sudden I have an urge to paint in abstract, when I've never had a desire for this style in the past. However, I am really enjoying the freedom of it and the fact that there are no hard and fast rules.
I have found that painting abstracts that relate to favourite song lyrics of mine add personal depth and meaning to the piece, as well as painting things that I know I like (trees, birds, etc). How do you approach your abstract pieces?
I must admit, I'm hooked. Even though I'm new to this style, there's something about it that makes me want to keep trying a different technique, a different colour scheme, a larger sized canvas! I keep a sketchbook with my ideas in preliminary sketches so that if it's a while between paintings, I have all the ideas written down (I'll show you this book in another post).
Here's the pieces from yesterdays blissful creative time! ...
"Rainbow Lorikeet" ... acrylic on canvas. |
"Forest" ... acrylic on canvas with silver leaf. |
"His Glory Appears" ... acrylic and gesso on canvas. |
"Bonfire Dance" ... acrylic and oil on canvas. |
It's school holidays here, and I really hope to cram in as much painting time as I can ... after I've bought more paints and canvases!
Happy painting everyone!