Monday, 31 March 2014

Budget Decorating - Beautiful Little Succulent Planters

I absolutely love op-shopping! The thrill of the hunt to find that 'perfect piece' at just the right price is fantastic! It's become over the last two years my most favourite way to decorate my home, and I think of home decorating as another form of my creative expression.

While I was op-shopping the other day, I found a bargain! I was looking for some planters for some beautiful little succulent cuttings a lovely friend gave me. I was wanting something unique and unusual to plant them in. After looking through a couple of shops with nothing jumping out at me, I went to the community shop and found three vintage pyrex (I think) bowls in red, green and yellow. Perfect! They were $1.50 each! 

I came home and dug up some soil from the garden, picked out some of the whitest stones that we have along the front garden and got to work with my four kids planting up these pretty little plants. Do you want to see them?!

Here they are ... (can you tell that I really really love them?!)

I have lined these along the servery of my kitchen where they can be enjoyed daily. This is the first time I've had indoor plants in any house that we've lived in. It's so good trying new things to make a house a home! I just hope I can keep them alive!

So what do you think? Do you enjoy decorating your home on a budget too?

Friday, 28 March 2014

Getting Past The Doubt - A Confirmation Journal

As an artist I've always struggled with doubt and fear. 

I've asked myself so many times I've lost count; 
do people really want to see my art? Do they really like it? Do they really enjoy my writing; is it impacting? 

Maybe you can relate?

However, I'm not going to concern myself with what others think any longer. I'm just going to enjoy my creativity, develop my style and techniques, play and have fun! 

A tool that has helped me to remember to be confident is a 'confirmation journal'. I've just recently started this.

It's an A4 Visual Diary (I'm really addicted to them!) that I have dedicated to filling to the brim with anything that affirms my creativity. Any quotes, paragraphs from art books I read, scriptures, poems; anything that speaks to me about why it's important to create and believe in the value and worth of what I do, and essentially, who I am.

It's been a very enjoyable process as I create art with the words, rather than just write them in plainly. It's therapeutic, great practice and very inspiring. 

I'm looking forward to the day that I have a stuffed full visual diary of art that confirms the creative person I've been made to be!

Do you have a technique/journal that helps you to overcome your doubt and fear and quieten those negative questions? 

At some stage, I will do another post on this journal as the pages fill up more! I have quotes everywhere about art that I'll add next, and probably post the quotes on here for you to enjoy too!

You are a unique artist, you have your own style, your own perspective on life. Don't doubt your abilities and enjoy the art you make!

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Breakfast In The Rain

This morning we have woken to the most glorious sound ... the sound of rain. My bed was so snugly and warm that I really didn't want to get out from under the soft covers. But I'm glad I did. I was 'supposed' to be helping my four children get ready for the day, but, I got distracted! 

When I opened the back door a flurry of Rainbow Lorikeets flew out of the beautiful tree in the back yard. Thankfully, they came back and I couldn't resist rushing to get my camera to snap a few photos of these stunning little creatures. Nature is just astoundingly beautiful and I'm so thankful that I am a photographer as I have the privilege of capturing such amazing beauty that's all around us.

I thought you may like to see these colorfully decorated feathered friends. You can use these images as inspiration for a sketch or painting if you like, that's fine with me! Beauty is to be shared and so is art, so enjoy! Just be sure to let me know if you've created a beautiful piece with them, I'd love to see it!

So here are the lovely little fellows ...

All photos are property of Create Embrace Enjoy,
please do not print and copy, thank you!

It was a very nice way to start the morning! 
And yes, the kids got to school on time!

Happy creating!

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

A Sneak Peek

Good morning! I hope you've had a great couple of days creating something that makes you happy!

Today I'll be sharing inside my art journal ... my practice art journal.

'Little Fellow' - A little fairy wren that I found and painted using water colour crayons.
I've never used them before and found them to be very effective!

This is just an A4 visual diary where I play with different mediums and try my hand at putting something together. I like using the art journal as it allows me to be free in what I do create without the restriction of perfection I would put on myself if I was going to be framing the piece, or painting on a canvas to hang on the wall.

'Love of Trees' - I used the same water colour crayons for this piece as I did
for the fairy wren above. I like the rough texture that the crayons provide,
but through this practice, I know that I enjoy using normal water colour paints more.

This journal method works really well for me, and I thought it might work for you too? I also critique my little pieces, writing what I like and don't like, what I should have done differently, what to try next time, etc. I jot down the type and brand of medium I use as well so that I can use it for future reference. If I've used a book to draw inspiration from, then I write the name and page etc, just in case I need it again.

'Study of an Apple' - I used dry water colour paint to eperiment with
tone, highlights, shadow etc in this piece. I'm happy with the outcome.

I find that even though I'm not creating big art pieces, this process is still extremely beneficial in helping me learn completely different techniques etc in such a fun (and cost effective) way!

I was inspired by an art piece that my seven year old daughter did at school the other day (I love her artwork, she uses the most beautiful, bright colours that always create such a happy masterpiece!), and I'm going to play with the technique that she explained to me in such a cute seven year old way! I'll pop a post up when I'm done!

I found this picture on google images, so I can't take credit for it.
I tried painting it as quickly as I could so that I could get used to the
fast application that water colour paint needs.
I am very happy with this sweet little boat!

I encourage you to maybe consider starting your own practice journal this week? Let yourself be free to play and enjoy, to plan and practice! Each day we can use the gifts we've been given (whatever they are!) and allow ourselves to make something beautiful!

Have a wonderful time enjoying your gift!

Monday, 24 March 2014

Hi & Welcome!

Hi! Welcome to my brand new blog!

I'm excited to begin this little space here!

There are a few reasons I've begun this blog ...

... the first being that I'm wanting to believe and embrace this part of who I am more fully. By that I mean letting go of the fear and doubt that has held me back creatively for far too long. Sound familiar? To be less concerned with perfection and more willing to play and learn from mistakes.

... the second being that I need to develop my skills and talents more. I believe we never arrive at a place of knowing everything about skills, techniques and ourselves.

... another is to develop creative habits that are productive and achieve positive results (not perfect ones!) I've been reading a fantastic book that has given me a good kick in the pants and inspired me ... but ... that will be another post!

... also I don't really have an avenue at the moment for my art, so I thought this would be a great place to start!

...and lastly, I thought that maybe with you reading about my journey, that maybe you will be inspired to pick up where you left off, keep pressing on to embrace, create and enjoy your creativity too!

Thanks so much for staying a while! I plan on ... well, not really planning when I post, I am wanting to take it as it comes. You're most welcome to follow along and share your creative selves with me too!

In the meantime ... I have an art journal calling my name!

A Bit About Me

Hello again!

I thought that I'd just quickly tell you a bit about me and the creative things that I love to do. 

Firstly, I am a wife to an amazing man (of almost 13 years) and mother to four absolutely amazing children! I love our family to bits and pieces and try and make the most of each day with them!

I'm trying to do something creative each day, whether big or small. Sometimes that happens, sometimes life happens and I don't get to do anything! But that's ok. I'm trying to let go,loosen up and accept things for what they are.

So, I enjoy ...

scrapbooking (though I'm ridiculously behind!)
art journaling (any journaling actually!)
poetry and story writing
blogging (obviously!)
home decorating

I'm hoping that this space will clarify the direction to take my art ... but I'm not in any rush. I'll know when I know! I'll do posts on all of these things as I go along.

Thanks for staying a while! I hope we can share our creativity together here in this little space!

Happy creating!

All photographs property of Embrace Create Enjoy, please do not copy in any way, thank you.